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Radiology CME

Free Radiology CME Courses Online

Since 2010, vRad Radiology Education has been providing high-quality continuing medical education (CME). Open to all radiologists, these 15-minute recorded modules are a convenient way to stay up to date on practical radiology topics.

Expired courses that are no longer available for CME credit are removed from this page. To view all course recordings (current and expired), please visit the vRad Radiology Education YouTube Channel.


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The Many Faces of Small Bowel Ischemia

0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

Cost: Free

Expires: 12/31/2025

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Course Overview

In this case-based presentation, Dr. Mellnick reviews different etiologies and imaging findings of small bowel ischemia.

Learning Objectives

  1. Discussion of etiologies of different types of small bowel ischemia.
  2. Review of early and late imaging characteristics of small bowel ischemia.

In: Body

Abdominopelvic Vascular Injuries

0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

Cost: Free

Expires: 12/31/2025

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Course Overview

In this case-based presentation, Dr. Munera reviews CT findings of typical blunt vascular injuries as well as demonstrates CT characteristics of unusual blunt abdominopelvic vascular injuries.

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe organ vascular injuries.
  2. Describe CT findings of unusual sites of major vascular injury in patients with blunt abdominopelvic trauma.

In: Body

Pediatric Bowel Emergencies

0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

Cost: Free

Expires: 12/31/2025

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Course Overview

In this didactic presentation, Dr. Rooks discusses the clinical presentation, role of imaging, and imaging appearance of common pediatric bowel emergencies.

Learning Objectives

  1. Review importance of clinical history in diagnosing pediatric bowel emergencies.
  2. Discuss role of imaging in acute pediatric bowel emergencies.
  3. Discuss differential and imaging characteristics of pediatric bowel emergencies.

In: Body

Breast Emergencies

0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

Cost: Free

Expires: 12/31/2025


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Course Overview

In this didactic presentation, Dr. Woodward discusses typical clinical scenarios of patients presenting to the emergency center for evaluation of breast pathology as well as important clinical information when interpreting breast ultrasound. Dr. Woodward reviews ultrasound appearance of the normal breast and common emergency breast pathologies and provides a strategy for follow-up of patients receiving breast ultrasound in the emergency center.

Learning Objectives

  1. Review common breast related symptoms leading to patients presenting to emergency centers.
  2. Discuss imaging appearance of normal breast tissue and common acute breast pathology on ultrasound.
  3. Outline a follow-up plan for patients who receive breast ultrasound in the emergency center.

In: Breast

Pediatric Cervical Spine Trauma

0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

Cost: Free

Expires: 12/31/2024

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Course Overview

In this didactic presentation, Dr. Beckmann discusses the physiologic bases for differences in pediatric and adult cervical spine trauma as well as review recommendations for initial imaging of pediatric cervical spine trauma and imaging appearance of pediatric traumatic cervical spine injuries.

Learning Objectives

  1. Discuss pediatric physiology resulting in differences between pediatric and adult cervical spine injuries
  2. Review current recommendations for initial imaging of pediatric cervical spine trauma
  3. Demonstrate imaging findings and mimics of pediatric cervical spine trauma

In: Neuro

Ocular and Optic Nerve Trauma

0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

Cost: Free

Expires: 12/31/2024

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Course Overview

In this didactic presentation, Dr. Balakrishnan reviews normal globe and ocular nerve anatomy as well as review clinical exam findings, indications for imaging, and imaging appearance of ocular and ocular nerve traumatic injuries.

Learning Objectives

  1. Review indications/ contraindications for use of different imaging modalities in ocular/ocular nerve trauma
  2. Demonstrate normal globe and ocular nerve anatomy on CT/MRI
  3. Discuss imaging appearance of ocular and ocular nerve injuries

In: Neuro